I can't stand those bio's that've been made to sound  like they're written by someone else. Luckily I've never won any awards so I don't have to write in third-person. 

My love of photography stems from staring old family photos in brittle oak frames; pictures of relatives I didn't know. As a kid I wondered what was going through their minds at that exact moment in time. Obviously I would never know, yet there they were, in front of me, preserved forever in a photograph. 

After graduating from a film degree in 2011 at Queensland's University of Technology, aside from time spent travelling, I have worked in and around the film and photography industries ever since. 

I have had a crack at so many different things, from building television sets to photographing Christmas magazine covers. I've been a studio lighting equipment salesman and helped produce Bollywood music videos. I returned to commercial fashion in 2017, working firstly as in-house photographer for sports brand 'DK Active' in Brisbane's North and then as a creative lead with workwear brand 'TradeMutt'. At the beginning of 2023 I relocated to the UK and am currently based out of Central London.

My passion has always been shooting portraiture and portfolios, I love meeting new people and always jump at the chance to take on a fresh challenge. 

If you would like to work with me please get in touch via the contact page!

Capture a time and a place; a feeling and a mood; preserve, forever, something that has never happened before and will never happen again...

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